Saturday, November 20, 2010

In the beginning there is the end.

Today marks a pivotal day for me when I came to the realization that we begin life with nothing. Born into this world with nothing but our flesh, bones, some hair and a beating heart which is constantly reminding us of the second hand on an old Grandfather clock ticking through each moment that leads to the unknown end of our lives where we leave this life with nothing. What we also have, that which we don't pay attention to, is our breath and emotional bodies that carry us though each and every moment of our lives. If you stop and think about it we enter this life and exit with nothing. So why not live this life to the fullest and feel all of those feeling that we over look as if it where a beggar on the street. Enjoy life to to the fullest by avoid the fear of fear, because what is fear anyway but a gateway to our growth or next step in our lives.
Get in touch with your emotional being and claim your birth right.

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